White House Proposes Changes IMD Exclusion in 2021 Budget
The White House on Monday released a $4.8 trillion budget for 2021 that would modify Medicaid’s Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) exclusion to provide states with flexibility to provide inpatient mental health services to beneficiaries with serious mental illness (SMI).
The budget requests $94.5 billion for HHS, a 10-percent decrease from the 2020 enacted level. Although Congress is likely to reject President Trump’s proposal, the budget is significant for outlining the president’s top policy priorities as he seeks re-election in November. Notably for NABH, those priorities address mental health and addiction treatment services.
These provisions include changes to the IMD exclusion, which under current law states Medicaid cannot pay for certain inpatient stays at IMDs. The president’s budget would provide more than $5 billion in new federal funding to states to ensure the full continuum of care exists to provide help to people with SMI. These changes—which appear in summary tables at the end of the budget proposal—would exempt Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) from the IMD exclusion.
The budget also includes $225 million for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) expansion grants, and would extend, through 2021, the CCBHC Medicaid demonstration programs to improve community mental health services for the eight states participating currently in the demonstration. In addition, the White House has proposed $25 million to expand primary healthcare services to address homelessness. These provisions, together with the changes to the IMD exclusion, are “part of a comprehensive strategy that includes improvements to community-based treatment,” the budget proposal noted.
Meanwhile, the president’s 2021 budget would continue 2020 funding to expand medication assisted treatment (MAT) from a small pilot program to half of all eligible Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facilities and provide an additional $37 million to complete MAT expansion to all eligible BOP facilities.
NABH will continue to analyze the Trump administration’s budget proposal and keep NABH apprised of any additional details regarding the IMD exclusion, MAT funding, and other topics related to the association’s policy priorities.
ONDCP Issues 2020 National Drug Control Strategy and Treatment Plan
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has issued its 2020 National Drug Control Strategy (Strategy) and accompanying National Treatment Plan (NTP) that includes action items for federal agencies and external stakeholders to increase access to care and close the addiction treatment gap.
The Strategy is presented using the domains of prevention, treatment and recovery, and supply-side strategies for reducing the availability and consumption of illicit drugs. These domains are established as ‘pillars’ that undergird the federal initiatives of expanding the early intervention, treatment and recovery infrastructure; improving the delivery system; and improving quality.
Specifically, the NTP calls for treatment expansion and improved quality by:
- Developing protocols for medically managed withdrawal including MAT to prevent relapse and promote stabilization;
- Increasing emergency department use of addiction medicine specialty services;
- Exploring the inclusion of stimulant disorder treatment in opioid treatment programs;
- Increasing access to all medication and psychosocial services, promoting syringe exchange, interim methadone, mobile methadone vans, and peer outreach. One objective of the federal Performance and Reporting System is to make sure 100% of all specialty providers offer MAT by 2020;
- Adopting model state specialty SUD treatment licensing laws;
- Developing mobile and online platforms with updated information on treatment slot availability with online appointment capacity;
- Encouraging public and private payers to cover comprehensive services and improve reimbursement rates where out-of-network rates are higher;
- Urging providers to subsidize and provide treatment scholarships; and
- Exploring the idea of developing national consensus standards for addiction treatment to consolidate treatment quality standards.
CDC Reports U.S. Drug Overdose Death Rate Down, Opioid Overdose Death Rate Up in 2018
The age-adjusted rate of U.S. drug overdose deaths in 2018 was 4.6% lower than the rate in 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday.
New data from the National Vital Statistics System also show there were 67,367 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2018, 4.1% fewer than the 70,237 deaths reported in 2017.
Despite the decline in overall drug overdose deaths, there was a 10% increase in the rate of drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone, such as fentanyl, in 2018 compared with 2017.
Furthermore, the age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths involving cocaine more than tripled from 2012 through 2018, while the rate of deaths involving certain psychostimulants, such as methamphetamine, increased nearly five-fold.
The CDC also reported that decreases in life expectancy between 2014 and 2017 were driven mostly by deaths due to unintentional injuries, suicide, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Improvements in life expectancy between 2017 and 2018, meanwhile, were driven by decreases in mortality from cancer, unintentional injuries, and chronic lower respiratory diseases. The positive contributions to the change in life expectancy were offset, in part, by the rising number of deaths by suicide, chronic liver disease, and cirrhosis.
Unintentional injuries and suicide remain in the top ten leading cause of death in the United States.
NABH Comments on CMS’ New Survey and Certification Process for Psychiatric Hospitals
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Monday announced it has streamlined the process to survey the nation’s psychiatric hospitals to review for compliance with participation requirements in one comprehensive survey.
Beginning in March, CMS will send psychiatric hospitals one survey to evaluate their compliance with both general hospital and psychiatric hospital participation requirements. CMS is not making any changes to the special psychiatric Conditions of Participation (CoPs) in this process.
Under this change, CMS will move the interpretive guidelines from State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix AA, or the special psychiatric CoPs, into Appendix A, the CoPs for general hospitals. Subsequently CMS will delete Appendix AA. This change will allow CMS to issue a single survey and report to hospitals, rather than two.
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NABH Urges Oversight Hearings on Parity Following GAO Report
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — A key finding in a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on government oversight of compliance with parity underscores the need for federal lawmakers to proactively investigate the work of employer-sponsored group plans and ensure they are complying with the landmark 2008 parity law.
Late last week, GAO released a 67-page report that examined and evaluated the practices, policies, and guidance from the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Department and the U.S. Labor Department (DOL), the two federal offices that oversee compliance with the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
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CMS Releases Guidance on Coverage Transition for ‘Dual Eligibles’ Receiving OTP Services
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an Informational Bulletin on Tuesday that provides guidance on coverage for Medicare and Medicaid dual-eligible beneficiaries who receive opioid treatment program (OTP) services.
Revisions to the Physician Fee Schedule (CY 2020) allow for a new OTP bundled payment benefit under Medicare, which replaces Medicaid as the primary payer for OTP services for the dual-eligible population. The new benefit is effective January 1, 2020; however, not all OTP providers will have completed Medicare enrollment by that time.
To assure continuity of patient care, states must pay OTP claims for Medicaid state plan covered services for Medicaid enrolled providers while Medicare enrollments are being completed. The new guidance from CMS provides information to state Medicaid agencies about strategies for continuing to pay for OTP services, including continuing to pay for claims for a specified period, and advising OTPs to submit claims only after their Medicare enrollment has been approved.
CMS recommends that states communicate with Medicaid managed care plans that cover OTP benefits, as well as with providers to advise them to enroll in Medicare.
If you have questions, please contact Sarah Wattenberg, NABH’s director of quality and addiction services.
Milliman Report Highlights Barriers to Accessing Behavioral Healthcare Services
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — A report from Milliman, Inc. about disparities between physical and behavioral healthcare for both in-network access and provider reimbursement rates underscores NABH’s position that unnecessary barriers continue to deny access to behavioral healthcare for patients who need it.
The Bowman Family Foundation commissioned Milliman to produce Addiction and Mental Health vs. Physical Health: Widening disparities in network use and provider reimbursement, a 140-page report that shows the gap in disparities for employees and their families seeking mental health and addiction treatment versus treatment for physical health conditions widened in 2016 and 2017.
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NABH Analysis: OTP Provisions in 2020 Physician Fee Schedule
OTP Provisions in 2020 Physician Fee ScheduleCMS finalized provisions for the nation’s opioid treatment programs (OTPs) in the 2020 Physician Fee Schedule regulation that the agency released on Nov. 1. This NABH Analysis provides a summary of those provisions, which provide for the treatment of opioid use disorders (OUDs) with new bundled service codes for OTPs, and for telehealth and opioid use treatment services in office-based settings. The final rule will be published in the Federal Register on Nov. 15. The regulations implement requirements that were included in last year’s Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patient and Communities (SUPPORT) Act. NABH is pleased that the final rule addressed the following issues that NABH mentioned in its comment letter on Sept. 28:
NABH Issue Brief: CMS Releases Guidance on IMDs Providing Treatment to Medicaid Beneficiaries with At Least One SUD
CMS Releases Guidance on IMDs Providing Treatment to Medicaid Beneficiaries with At Least One SUD
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Wednesday released guidance to state Medicaid directors that clarifies how section 5052 of the Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patient and Communities (SUPPORT) Act permits institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) to provide treatment to Medicaid beneficiaries with at least one substance use disorder (SUD).
NABH was a driving force behind section 5052 becoming law and the NABH team has talked with CMS staff about the law’s implementation.
The guidance from CMS covers five key areas: requirements for beneficiaries, requirements for IMDs, requirements for states, maintenance of effort, and interaction with existing IMD policies. This NABH Issue Brief provides a summary of each of those areas.
Requirements for BeneficiariesAn eligible individual for section 5052 (the new IMD authority) is a person who is:
Requirements for IMDsEligible IMDs must follow reliable, evidence-based practices and make available at least two forms of medication as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). The two drugs may be offered on site upon request or furnished off site by a qualified provider in the community that has an arrangement with the IMD. IMDs “should also offer behavioral health services alongside MAT,” CMS noted.Requirements for StatesStates are required to:
2020 Annual Meeting
March 16-18, 2020
Mandarin Oriental Washington, DC
We invite you to use this annual opportunity to learn from, connect with, and influence the decision makers who determine the future of behavioral healthcare services in the United States.
The 2020 Annual Meeting will feature sessions on a variety of issues affecting the U.S. behavioral healthcare industry, with a special emphasis on the barriers to providing and access care.
Learn more and register for the 2020 Annual MeetingShawn Coughlin Named Next NABH President and CEO
Association’s Executive VP Succeeds Retiring NABH President and CEO Mark Covall
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH) Board of Trustees has appointed Shawn Coughlin as its president and CEO beginning in January 2020.
Coughlin succeeds Mark Covall, who is retiring after more than 35 years with the association and 24 years as its president and CEO. The Board announced the succession plan in conjunction with its Fall Board Meeting in Washington…
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NABH Issue Brief: CMS Proposes Slight Payment Increase for PHPs and CMHCs in 2020
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed a hospital-based partial hospitalization program (PHP) payment rate of $228.20 for 2020, up from the 2019 rate of $220.86, in the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System (OPPS/ASC) proposed rule the agency released on July 29.
CMS also proposed an increase for community mental health centers (CMHCs), which could see a payment rate of $124.59 in 2020 if the rule is made final. By comparison, CMHCs received a payment rate of $120.58 in 2019.
The rates set in the proposed CY 2020 rule are not based on the most recent average cost data from the PHP program, a deviation from CMS’ long-standing policy. When CMS calculated the average PHP program cost for the CY 2020 proposed rule, the agency found it had decreased by nearly 15 percent for CMHCs and 11 percent for hospitals-based PHPs.
After finding this decrease, CMS reviewed the data sets and found that a single provider in the CMHC set and a single provider in the hospital-based set had such dramatically lower-reported costs that it significantly skewed the average cost for both data sets.
Because the lower average costs were the result of single providers and could significantly reduce access for beneficiaries, CMS decided to use the CY 2019 cost average as a floor for both type of PHP rates in the CY 2020 rule. If not for this change, the rate for both types of PHPs would have been significantly lower than what CMS proposed in the rule.
It is important to note that CMS stressed that it does not intent to carry this policy forward: “To be clear, this policy would only apply for the CY 2020 rate setting,” the agency said in the rule.
CMS will accept comments on the CY 2020 proposed rule until September 27.
CY 2020 Rates
Level 1 Health and Behavior Services $28.59
Level 2 Health and Behavior Services $81.06
Level 3 Health and Behavior Services $130.27
Partial Hospitalization (3 or more services) for CMHCs $124.59
Partial Hospitalization (3 or more services) for Hospital-based PHPs $228.20
NABH Issue Brief: CMS Addresses OUD Treatment in OTPs and Office Settings in Proposed Rule
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Monday issued a proposed rule for establishing a Medicare Part B benefit and payment bundles for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment services in opioid treatment program (OTP) settings and new HCPCS codes and bundled rates for office-based treatment of OUD.
OTP Bundled Payment
The proposal implements Section 2005 of the Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act. The rule proposes:- A definition of OUD treatment services and OTPs, including an explanation that services include access to all FDA-approved medications, counseling and therapy, and toxicology testing;
- Enrollment policies that align with SAMHSA OTP regulation and that do not have additional conditions of participation;
- Bundled payment methodologies that separate drug from non-drug treatment components, account for different medications and variable intensity of services, provide for service add-ons and partial- and full-billing for weekly episodes;
- Use of audio-video communication technology; and
- Zero beneficiary cost-sharing requirement for a time-limited period.
Office-based Care Bundled Payment
The agency also proposed a bundled payment for office-based OUD treatment services, to encourage the expansion of access to OUD care, including:- Coverage of OUD management, care coordination, psychotherapy, and counseling; medication to be billed and reimbursed under existing Medicare Part B or D; toxicology testing to be billed under Clinical Lab Fee Schedule;
- Bundled payment methodologies that are based on monthly billing cycles to better align with office-based practices; one bundle for the initial month of treatment that is more service-intensive; and a second bundle for subsequent “maintenance months,” service add-on codes, and not restricted to addiction specialists;
- Three new HCPCS codes to Category I of the list of Medicare telehealth services for office-based substance use disorder (SUD)/OUD services, permits a patient’s home as a telehealth originating site; and
- No changes to cost-sharing.
Emergency Departments
Also of interest, the proposed rule requests information on emergency department practice patterns related to the initiation and use of MAT, and referral or follow-up care, for developing such bundles in future rulemaking. Comments are due September 27, 2019. NABH has engaged a consulting firm to help analyze the proposed bundled payment methodology and payment rates, and the association will submit comments.NABH Alert: CMS Announces 1.5-percent Increase for Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities for 2020 in Final Rule
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a Medicare payment increase of 1.5 percent next year for inpatient psychiatric facilities in the final Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Prospective Payment System (IPF PPS) rule the agency released today.
Compared with the 2019 payment rate, the increase reflects a total increase of $65 million for Medicare-participating inpatient psychiatric facilities in fiscal year 2020. The payment update aligns with the agency’s proposed rule earlier this year.
The rule also adds one new claims-based measured starting in fiscal year 2021 payment determination and continuing in subsequent years. The measure—Medication Continuing Following Inpatient Psychiatric Discharge (National Quality Forum #3205)—assesses whether patients admitted to IPFs with diagnoses of Major Depressive Disorder, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder filled at least one evidence-based medication within two days before discharge or during the 30-day, post-discharge period.
CMS Releases Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) Memorandum
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on July 2 released Frequently Asked Questions on the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) and Psychiatric Hospitals, a six-page memo addressing common concerns psychiatric hospitals and hospital emergency departments have regarding compliance with EMTALA.
EMTALA has been a top regulatory priority for NABH and our team has worked closely with CMS on this issue. In March, NABH released The High Cost of Compliance: Assessing the Regulatory Burden in Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities, a detailed report that quantifies the compliance costs related to EMTALA for inpatient psychiatric care providers. The analysis—which NABH commissioned Manatt Health to produce—also addresses ligature risk, a topic CMS addressed this past April in draft guidance.
Here are key excerpts from CMS’ July 2 FAQ Memo:
- How do surveyors evaluate whether a staff person is qualified to perform a Medical Screening Exam?
- The surveyor can review state scope of practice as well as hospital bylaws or rules and regulations to determine if the medical screening exams being performed are within a professional’s scope of practice.
- What is the expectation of a psychiatric hospital when a medical emergency presents in terms of who can conduct a medical screening exam?
- EMTALA requires hospitals to perform medical screening examinations within their capabilities. If the psych hospital doesn’t have the ability to perform a comprehensive medical screening exam (or provide stabilizing treatment), but the screening exam it performs indicates that the patient may have an emergency medical condition, the hospital is required to arrange an appropriate transfer to a facility for further evaluation and treatment. The hospital is expected to use its resources to perform the exam and provide care within its capabilities prior to transfer. This might be as simple as performing ongoing assessments with repeat vital signs and ensuring the patient is in a safe environment.
- What is required in terms of stabilization and transfer for non-psychiatric emergencies?
- There is no expectation that a psych hospital with basic clinical services would be expected to provide the same level of comprehensive medical assessments or treatment as an acute care hospital.
- How does EMTALA intersect with admission?
- If the hospital has the staff and facilities to stabilize the emergency medical condition, it is expected to do so. This includes inpatient admission, as appropriate. Having an empty inpatient bed does not always translate to having the capability or capacity to stabilize the emergency medical condition.
- Can an ER physician in a facility that does not provide psychiatric care conduct the mental health screening?
- It is within the scope of practice for ED physicians and practitioners to evaluate patients presenting with mental health conditions, same with any other medical, surgical, or psychiatric presentation. The ED practitioner may utilize hospital resources to assist with the examination and treatment or arrange appropriate transfers if additional resources are needed.
NQF Quality Innovation: Measuring Quality of Care in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Programs
2019 NABH Annual Survey Link
Please take a moment to review the instructions for the 2019 NABH Annual Survey before completing it. Respondents will not be able to pause the survey and start again. Thank you for your time.
NABH Releases The High Cost of Compliance: Assessing the Regulatory Burden on Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities
NABH Board Adopts Access to Care Resolution
- Prevent, diagnose, and/or treat behavioral health conditions;
- Promote age-appropriate growth and development;
- Minimize the progression of disability;
- Facilitate, maintain, and/or restore functional capacity; and
- Support long-term recovery.