Author: Administrator
Behavioral Health Update: January 7, 2019
- CMS Reports Healthcare Spending Growth Slowed Last Year
- HRSA Releases Behavioral Health Workforce Projections
- CMS Features FAQ on Price Transparency Provision in IPPS
- CMS Requests Feedback on Conflict of Interest at Accrediting Organizations
- Behavioral Health IT Coalition Sends Letter to CMS
- RAND Report Analyzes Heroin-Assisted Treatment and Supervised Drug Consumption Sites
- AMA Study Examines Association Between Psychotic Experiences and Risk of Suicide
- MACPAC Releases 2018 Edition of MACStats: Medicaid and CHIP Data Book
- PwC Health Research Institute Previews Top Health Industry Issues for 2019
- CDC’s NVSR Reports on Drugs Most Frequently Used in Overdoses: 2011-2016
- PCORI Board Approves $12.7 million for Mental Health Research Study
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Seeks Comments on Opioid Interventions
- CMMI Posts Fact Sheet on Integrated Care for Kids and Maternal Opioid Misuse Models
- Manatt, AMA & Pennsylvania Medical Society Release Report on Practices to End Opioid Crisis
- CHCS and ACAP Release Report on Social Determinants of Health via Medicaid Managed Care
- Associations Among Motor Activity, Sleep, Energy & Mood Could Suggest New Focus for Depression Treatment
- NIDA Highlights Details for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
- World Congress to Host Opioid Management Summit in February
- Register Today for 2019 Annual Meetings
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NABH Inside Scoop: CMS Announces Demonstration Projects for SMI and SED
NABH Inside Scoop: CMS Announces Demonstration Projects for SMI and SED
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NABH Analysis: The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6)
NABH Analysis: The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6)
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NABH Seeks 2019 Board Nominations
- the position of Board Chair-Elect and
- two Board seats that will become available in 2019.
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NABH Maps Out Pathways to a Better Addiction Treatment System
About NABH The National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH) advocates for behavioral healthcare and represents provider systems that are committed to delivering responsive, accountable, and clinically effective prevention, treatment, and care for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults with mental and substance use disorders. Its members are behavioral healthcare provider organizations that own or manage more than 1,000 specialty psychiatric hospitals, general hospital psychiatric and addiction treatment units and behavioral healthcare divisions, residential treatment facilities, youth services organizations, and extensive outpatient networks. The association was founded in 1933.CEO Update | 18
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NABH Commends Policymakers for Introducing Bill to Boost Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
Letter to Representative Crowley
Letter to Senator Nelson
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- Watch our video Behavioral Healthcare is Everyone’s Concern and access it from a slide on the homepage.
- Navigate news and resources by category in seven tabs at the top of the homepage: Home, About NABH, NABH Resources, News & Insights, Be An Advocate, Policy Issues, and Annual Meeting.
- Click on an interactive Impact Map of the United States for key information about NABH member locations in every congressional district throughout the country.
- Learn what NABH members are doing nationwide in our Member Profile section.
- Get to know the association’s leadership in the Board of Trustees & Staff page.
- Follow the Annual Meeting Countdown on the homepage for a reminder about the association’s signature event every March.
- QualityNet: Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities > Resources
- Quality Reporting Center: Inpatient > IPFQR Program > Resources and Tools
NABH Sends FY 2019 IPF-PPS Proposed Rule Comments to CMS
NABH has sent comments to CMS about the agency’s proposed FY 2019 rule for inpatient psychiatric facilities.
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NABH Inside Scoop: U.S. House Passes IMD CARE Act and Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety
NABH Inside Scoop: U.S. House Passes IMD CARE Act and Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety
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News Release
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- NABH Rebrand: The association rebranded to the National Association for Behavioral Healthcare from the former National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems (NAPHS) on March 19. If you were unable to attend the 2018 NABH Annual Meeting, please be sure to watch our brief video that we showed to kick off the meeting. Learn more about our rebranding, social media channels, and exciting changes ahead during this call.
- Mental Health Month Recap: The country has recognized May as Mental Health Month since 1949. Learn how NABH commemorated Mental Health Month in 2018 with its first paid social media campaign, which focused on repealing the Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) exclusion in Medicaid.
- Federal Policy Update: Congress continues to pay close attention to the nation’s deadly opioid crisis. Learn how the NABH team has worked with committees in both chambers of Congress to address this issue. Also learn about some important regulatory updates related to the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system (IPF PPS).
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Signature Healthcare Services’ Aurora San Diego Hospital Hosts Congressional Site Visit
NABH Member Hosts Congressional Site Visit
NABH member Signature Healthcare Services’ Aurora San Diego hospital recently hosted Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.), who toured the facility and met with hospital leaders to discuss some the biggest challenges facing the behavioral healthcare industry.
Aurora San Diego provides mental health and substance abuse services both on an inpatient and outpatient basis for children, adolescents, adults and older adults. Aurora also has a highly regarded military treatment program for active duty members who are working through combat-related trauma, general mental health issues and substance use disorders.
Rep. Peters and hospital leaders discussed addressing the opioid crisis and removing some outdated federal barriers to care, including the Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) exclusion that prevents adult Medicaid beneficiaries from accessing acute care in facilities with more than 16 beds, and Medicare’s 190-day lifetime limit on inpatient care in a psychiatric hospital.
Following his tour, Rep. Peters hosted a Town Hall-style meeting with about 50 Aurora employees from across all disciplines to discuss the need for more resources to address mental health for service members and veterans.
For information and help coordinating a congressional site visit, please contact Julia E. Richardson, NABH’s director of advocacy and senior counsel, at
Visited Aurora Behavioral Healthcare, where they provide treatment for active duty service members working through Combat Related Trauma, mental health issues & substance use. I spoke about out work to get more resources to address mental health for service members & veterans.
— Rep. Scott Peters (@RepScottPeters) March 30, 2018
NABH Inside Scoop: Behavioral Health Provisions of the FY 2018 Funding Agreement
We are the National Association for Behavioral Healthcare
202.393.6700, ext. 101
NAPHS Becomes National Association for Behavioral Healthcare
WASHINGTON, DC (March 19, 2018) —The Board of Trustees of the former National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems (NAPHS) announced the association has changed its name to the National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH), effective Monday, March 19, 2018.
“Today, our country’s behavioral healthcare challenges seem greater than ever,” said NABH President/CEO Mark Covall.
“The opioid crisis, high rate of suicide, and spate of mass shootings remind us every day why our members are critical players in America’s healthcare continuum,” he continued. “Our nation’s behavioral health needs are as complex as they are numerous. That’s why we decided our association’s name should better reflect all our members and the comprehensive range of services they provide.” |
Last fall, the Board agreed the new association name should:
- Reflect the association’s Mission to advocate for behavioral healthcare and represent the providers who deliver care to those with mental health and substance use disorders;
- Reflect the association’s Vision of a society where behavioral healthcare is recognized, respected, and allocated resources with fairness and equity as part of overall health;
- Represent the association’s diverse membership; and
- Invite other organizations to join the association.
“For 85 years, our association’s members have cared for those with mental health and substance use disorders, and always looked ahead to new treatments, programs and services,” said NABH Board Chair Brent Turner. “Our Board understood that our new name should build on our association’s excellent and longstanding work—and, more important, position the association for the future.”
Also Monday, the Board introduced NABH’s social media channels on Twitter (@NABHbehavioral), LinkedIn and YouTube. The announcements came on the first day of the 2018 NABH Annual Meeting (#NABH18), which will take place at the Mandarin Oriental Washington, DC through Wednesday. Guest speakers at the meeting include Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Elinore McCance-Katz, M.D., Ph.D., former NFL player and behavioral healthcare advocate Ryan Leaf, former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy, Sen. Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-La.), Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.), and Rep. Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.)
About NABH
The National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH) advocates for behavioral healthcare and represents provider systems that are committed to the delivery of responsive, accountable, and clinically effective prevention, treatment, and care for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults with mental and substance use disorders. Its members are behavioral healthcare provider organizations that own or manage more than 1,000 specialty psychiatric hospitals, general hospital psychiatric and addiction treatment units and behavioral healthcare divisions, residential treatment facilities, youth services organizations, and extensive outpatient networks. The association was founded in 1933.